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Spring Fever: South Beach or Bust

This time of year I get serious spring fever. Without fail, the past few Februaries my husband and I have made our way to South Beach Miami for some desperately needed vitamin SEA and a dose of sun and sand. Many folks enjoy the nightlife Miami offers and the beach scene with the ever scantily clad trying to outdo one another with who can show more flesh. We simply go for the promise of warm, sunshine-filled days and relaxing nights with good wine and great food.

The further south you go down the strip the quieter it seems to get and this is where you’ll find me. Now, you won’t get your own secluded swath of sand, but it’s much more manageable for this beach bum than along the stretch of mega hotels. Your best bet for the quiet, rejuvenating, beachy long weekend you’ve been longing for starts with a stay at The Betsy South Beach424954_156_z

The Betsy, a landmark South Beach hotel, prides itself on its passionately low-key aura. Amazing ocean views, wonderful world-class food, attention to every detail in each of its 61 luxury rooms make for the perfect long weekend beachside escape.

Offering sunrise yoga at the shoreline, the only outdoor spa in Miami Beach, as well as food offerings from onsite BLT Steak and beach hands providing the best of service, it’s hard to imagine any complaints that might come up during your stay. My only caveat is that if you’re more of a pool person this might not be the ideal spot for you. Secluded in the hotel’s inner courtyard, the pool is more a place to escape the sun and relax in the shade. While a very serene spot, it doesn’t offer much sun most of the day since it’s surrounded by the hotel walls, although it certainly is a nice respite form the heat if that’s what you seek.

In a city where the hotels are growing increasingly taller, the new “It” club opens every month and sightings of Lamborghinis and Ferraris become ever more frequent, The Betsy is a classically cool take on what Miami offered in a bygone era. Pulsating house music replaced by jazz, gin gimlets instead of red bull vodkas and service offered before you even request it. The Betsy is an idyllic seaside abode where you can’t help but relax and the staff does everything they can to ensure this is the case.

All images courtesy The Betsy South Beach


    • I would love to be back at that hotel right about now, Carol. I’m sure we could all use some Monday R&R by a pool!


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